An unaddressed area of deep concern is the lack of emotional fitness in our society.
Individuals focus mainly on the area of financial, physical, and intellectual fitness. However, the area of their emotions goes largely neglected.
This is the antithesis of a road to happiness.
Most people in modern society are emotionally unfit.
By extension, most parents in modern society are poor parents.
This means that children are then tasked with the monumental feat of emotional fitness without an appropriate model.
Emotional fitness takes more resources to achieve than financial, physical, and intellectual fitness combined. It is a lifelong task and one that is far more dangerous than any of the previous three.
Working on your emotional fitness carries the risk of alienation from one's family/peer group, disharmony with society at large, and costly pivots in career.
Often as one becomes more emotionally fit one simply cannot maintain coherence with the dysfunctional ways of being/relating embodied by ones family of origin or peer group. This disharmony often results in a parting of ways.
Society reflects the sum total emotional fitness of it's members. Elections, societal trends, popular culture, the functioning of industry and work spaces, et al. are the domain of the effects of individual and thus collective emotional fitness.
It is a domain of function supremely worth the resources and attention of society at large. There is no greater investment we can make in the wellbeing of our children than our own emotional fitness.